When it comes to losing your keys it is advised to firstly take the pre-emptive measure of writing down your cars VIN number. This number will be necessary in finding someone who can help you replace your keys. Generally this number is found on the dashboard on the driver’s side and will be visible through the window. Be sure to also write down the year, make and model of your vehicle as you will also need this.

Auto Locksmith 24/7 Call Out Availability

Aside from this initial measure, the first step to take when you’ve lost your keys is to call a nearby auto locksmith as they will generally provide you with the best deal. Generally, you will find that they will not charge you to visit the car but will open the car for you and then proceed to make you a key. Hardware stores are able to cut keys from copies but are often unable to create new car keys. Locksmiths however have more sophisticated machinery and are more readily equipped to help you.

Find The Appropriate Service Providers

If you have lost a key fob, the locksmith will be able to help in making a new one, dependant on how sophisticated it is. They should also be able to help you programme your replacement key although you can do this yourself by reading through your car’s instruction manual. You must also keep in mind that any other key fobs for that vehicle won’t often work until the new key is programmed.

Contact the Auto Locksmiths Specialists

If however you don’t want to go down this route (which will ultimately be the quickest option available to you) you can always look online for a discounted replacement key or fob. You will often find that online there are keys and fobs available that cost quite a bit less than you would pay from a manufacturer directly. However, make sure you buy from a reputable seller who specialises in replacing car keys and has good customer reviews.