As the daffodils pop out along the roads and we see a little more sun in the sky our thoughts start to turn to summer holidays. It’s great to get away for a sunny week or two to completely relax, but before you head off, it’s worth doing a little preparation to make sure your home is secure, and you have complete peace of mind.

Lock your doors and windows

This seems obvious, but what you might not have done is check around the house to ensure those locks are all working properly. Apart from acting as a deterrent to burglars, making your doors and windows are secure could be a prerequisite of any home insurance you may have taken out, so it’s worth doing.

While you’re doing that, make sure you check the garage and any other outbuildings you may have on the property.

Replace faulty door or window locks

Whilst you’re checking that all your doors and windows lock, you’ll soon be able to pinpoint any keys that do not fully turn, or broken locks (the key spins without opening the door). These problems can be easily sorted out by a professional locksmith who will also give you good advice on which locks to choose to beat the burglars.

Set the security alarm if you have one
If you are considering getting an alarm, it’s good to speak to a specialist about the different options available. If it’s a monitored alarm, don’t forget to give your monitoring station the details of the key holder.

Use your home security lights

The last thing any burglar wants is to be lit up when approaching the house, so motion sensor security lights are a great deterrent. Not only that, but they are also great for you to see your way when arriving home on dark winter evenings. Areas to cover are the front, back and garage areas or any area of your property that may be accessible.

Protect your home with CCTV

This is not suitable for every home, but CCTV cameras are another obvious deterrent for burglars, and they have become more affordable.

They’re a useful piece of equipment as they let you to see exactly what is going on in and around your home, even if you’re just out for the day. Cameras can be linked up to a TV or computer, or you can view the images on your smartphone or tablet and see who is at your door before answering.

Some extra quick fixes to protect your home

Put valuables out of sight
Make sure you move tempting items like your laptop and car keys out of the way of prying eyes.

Get a safe
In addition to the above, it could be time to start using a home safe for important personal documents and your most valuable items such as jewellery.

Ask a neighbour to keep an eye out
This usually works as a great quid pro quo. Ask a neighbour to keep an eye on your property, and you can do the same when they are away.

Mow your lawn before you go
A well-kept property looks occupied or as though you won’t be gone for long.

Put away tools or ladders
They are valuable too and could be used opportunistically to force entry to your home.

For further advice on home security, locks, doors and windows, burglar alarms and CCTV just call Eydens on 02476 332 524 or email